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主題: 很怪的問題!

名稱: EveryOneIsMoron
日期: November 13, 2001 at 07:10:22
主題: 很怪的問題!

回應者 1
名稱: alix
日期: November 13, 2001 at 10:40:32
主題: 很怪的問題!
考古題找你們學長要就有了, 第一次聽到期中考還要來拿"範例"的, God!
王老師跟吳老師不是同一個人, 王老師的題目你"沒有一題是兩行之內寫的出來的", 不代表吳老師的題目你也寫不出來, 好好念就是了.

回應者 2
名稱: dudi saadi
日期: June 02, 2004 at 19:57:40
網頁: casino online
主題: online casino
Great sport channel... online casino it"s awesome be the pokercasino online the roulette everything Internet Casino is just bethedealer fantastic Casino i"m crazy online Poker we have won so plus money casino-online that a great chance online-casino i would google Google about winning

回應者 3
名稱: Online University Advisor
日期: September 03, 2004 at 13:29:45
網頁: Online University
主題: Online University
Hello, as i understand, you might have interest in online university information.
I can offer you the most professional online education and our online universities provide the most accredited online degrees on the internet.
Getting information about your online degree is only one click away.
info about university of phoenix, AIU online, Devry college and more.
(sorry if that post is not relevant :-)

回應者 4
名稱: Online University Advisor
日期: September 03, 2004 at 13:29:45
網頁: Online University
主題: Online University
Hello, as i understand, you might have interest in online university information.
I can offer you the most professional online education and our online universities provide the most accredited online degrees on the internet.
Getting information about your online degree is only one click away.
info about university of phoenix, AIU online, Devry college and more.
(sorry if that post is not relevant :-)

回應者 5
名稱: Green Card Reg.
日期: September 03, 2004 at 16:59:04
網頁: Green Card
主題: Green Card
USA government announces that green card applications can be registered through the internet.
Every Year, the green card lottery grants 50,000 visas to people all around the world. All 50,000 Winners are issued a USA GREEN CARD authorizing them and their families to live and work in the United States!

回應者 6
名稱: Forex Trader
日期: September 05, 2004 at 16:01:41
網頁: Forex
主題: Forex
We offer online foreign exchange trading service. Try our award-winning forex trading software, and discover why we are one of the leaders in online forex and options trading.

回應者 7
名稱: Mortgage refinance guide
日期: September 05, 2004 at 16:35:43
網頁: Mortgage
主題: Mortgage
Receive information about the LOWEST mortgage rates possible! In 20 seconds-to-fill form you will be able to refinance mortgage even with Less-Than-Perfect-Credit.
Mortgages can be easily approved. We refinance mortgages for everyone.

回應者 8
名稱: Online poker
日期: September 12, 2004 at 02:05:00
網頁: Online poker
主題: online poker
Hello, here some informatino that might interest you:

- Mortgage - http://www.lowest-rates-mortgages.com/
- Mortgages - http://www.lowest-rates-mortgages.com/mortgages
- Refinance mortgage - http://www.lowest-rates-mortgages.com/refinancemortgage
- Refinance mortgages - http://www.lowest-rates-mortgages.com/refinancemortgages
- Online university - http://www.Choose-online-university.com/
- Online degree - http://www.Choose-online-university.com/onlinedegree
- Online universities - http://www.Choose-online-university.com/onlineuniversities
- Online degrees - http://www.Choose-online-university.com/onlinedegrees
- Online education - http://www.Choose-online-university.com/onlineeducation
- AIUonline - http://www.Choose-online-university.com/AIUonline
- Devry College - http://www.Choose-online-university.com/devrycollege.
- University of Phoenix - http://www.Choose-online-university.com/UniversityofPhoenix
- Foreign exchange - http://www.forex-online-now.com/foreignexchange
- Forex - http://www.forex-online-now.com/
- forex trading - http://www.forex-online-now.com/forextrading
- Green Card - http://www.apply-to-green-card.org
- Cigarette - http://www.CHEAPEST-DUTYFREE-CIGARETTES.COM/cigarette
- Cheap cigarettes - http://www.CHEAPEST-DUTYFREE-CIGARETTES.COM/cheapcigarettes
- Spyware - http://www.SPYWARE-REMOVAL-ONLINE.COM/
- Spyware removal - http://www.SPYWARE-REMOVAL-ONLINE.COM/spywareremoval
- Web hosting - http://www.EASY-HOSTING-SERVICES.COM/
- Hosting - http://www.EASY-HOSTING-SERVICES.COM/hosting
- Domain hosting - http://www.EASY-HOSTING-SERVICES.COM/domainhosting
- site hosting - http://www.EASY-HOSTING-SERVICES.COM/sitehosting
- Online dating - http://www.MY-DATING-PORTAL.COM/
- Dating - http://www.MY-DATING-PORTAL.COM/dating
- Dating service - http://www.MY-DATING-PORTAL.COM/datingservice
- Poker - http://www.WORLD-BEST-POKER-ONLINE.COM/
- Online poker - http://www.WORLD-BEST-POKER-ONLINE.COM/onlinepoker
- Poker room - http://www.WORLD-BEST-POKER-ONLINE.COM/pokerroom

回應者 9
名稱: Online poker
日期: September 12, 2004 at 02:05:03
網頁: Online poker
主題: online poker
Hello, here some informatino that might interest you:

- Mortgage - http://www.lowest-rates-mortgages.com/
- Mortgages - http://www.lowest-rates-mortgages.com/mortgages
- Refinance mortgage - http://www.lowest-rates-mortgages.com/refinancemortgage
- Refinance mortgages - http://www.lowest-rates-mortgages.com/refinancemortgages
- Online university - http://www.Choose-online-university.com/
- Online degree - http://www.Choose-online-university.com/onlinedegree
- Online universities - http://www.Choose-online-university.com/onlineuniversities
- Online degrees - http://www.Choose-online-university.com/onlinedegrees
- Online education - http://www.Choose-online-university.com/onlineeducation
- AIUonline - http://www.Choose-online-university.com/AIUonline
- Devry College - http://www.Choose-online-university.com/devrycollege.
- University of Phoenix - http://www.Choose-online-university.com/UniversityofPhoenix
- Foreign exchange - http://www.forex-online-now.com/foreignexchange
- Forex - http://www.forex-online-now.com/
- forex trading - http://www.forex-online-now.com/forextrading
- Green Card - http://www.apply-to-green-card.org
- Cigarette - http://www.CHEAPEST-DUTYFREE-CIGARETTES.COM/cigarette
- Cheap cigarettes - http://www.CHEAPEST-DUTYFREE-CIGARETTES.COM/cheapcigarettes
- Spyware - http://www.SPYWARE-REMOVAL-ONLINE.COM/
- Spyware removal - http://www.SPYWARE-REMOVAL-ONLINE.COM/spywareremoval
- Web hosting - http://www.EASY-HOSTING-SERVICES.COM/
- Hosting - http://www.EASY-HOSTING-SERVICES.COM/hosting
- Domain hosting - http://www.EASY-HOSTING-SERVICES.COM/domainhosting
- site hosting - http://www.EASY-HOSTING-SERVICES.COM/sitehosting
- Online dating - http://www.MY-DATING-PORTAL.COM/
- Dating - http://www.MY-DATING-PORTAL.COM/dating
- Dating service - http://www.MY-DATING-PORTAL.COM/datingservice
- Poker - http://www.WORLD-BEST-POKER-ONLINE.COM/
- Online poker - http://www.WORLD-BEST-POKER-ONLINE.COM/onlinepoker
- Poker room - http://www.WORLD-BEST-POKER-ONLINE.COM/pokerroom



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