Welcome to VTTF (VLSI Test Technology Forum)
VTTF was founded on March 15, 1997, by eleven test technology researchers and practitioners from around the island (see the list of founding members). Members meet roughly every two to three months to discuss their research activities and results and share with each other their ideas.
Each meeting is hosted by one or two members who organize a colloquium with a specific topic of common interest to the members. The meeting is a place for the members to exchange their ideas and to help each other in improving their research quality and collaboration possibility. An annual workshop has been organized by VTTF members for each of the past few years, where the members discuss research and education issues together with engineers, project leaders, and managers from the industry. Short courses, tutorials, and other related activities also have been organized indefinitely. The goal of VTTF thus is to promote test technology research/development on this island.
The Forum is currently closed to members (except for the tutorials, short courses, and workshops), and membership is based on invitation by existing members only. However, new members are welcome as long as they are working on or interested in VLSI test technology and are willing to share their ideas with us. If you are active in research and/or development work related to test technology and are interested in joining VTTF, please talk to any of the members first.